Oil Palm The Golden Crop is a unique tree with higher economic value. It is a perennial plant belonging to family Palmae and sub family Cocoideae. It is scientifically named as Elaeis guineensis. Oil palm covers 2% of total cultivated lands in the world. 22% of the world’s total oil requirement is fulfilled by oil palm and it is the most widely produced edible oil in the world. Palm oil is an edible product derived from the oil palm fruit. Palm oil is produced by many developing countries involved in this industry to get rid of poverty.

The state-of-the-art dairy farm by Watawala Dairy Limited (WDL), a 100% subsidiary of Watawala Plantations, is a Board of Investment (BOI) registered project and is situated in Watawala, Ginigathhena in a 50-hectare land. The project commenced in March 2016 as a pilot project called ‘Lonach Farm’ with 120 cattle, three cow houses and a milking parlour.
Watawala Dairy Limited imported 246 heifers directly from Australia and New Zealand in 2018, and 928 cows were purchased from the Government of Sri Lanka in 2017 at a concessionary price under an agreement to develop the local dairy industry. All cattle purchased are high yielding, of superior genetics.