Colombo Tea Auction - Sale of 21st & 22nd November 2017
Best Westerns where quality was maintained were firm and Rs.10-20/- per kg dearer, others barely steady. In the below best category brighter sorts tended easier, others together with the plainer sorts were firm. Nuwara Eliyas irregular and barely steady. Udapussellawas irregular following quality. Uvas firm.
Best Westerns firm. Teas in the below best category were irregular and barely steady. Plainer sorts firm. Nuwara Eliyas gained Rs.20-40/- per kg and more. Udapussellawas irregular following quality. Uva’s – clean leaf teas Rs.10/- per kg dearer, others barely steady.
High Grown
BP1s – Rs.10-20/- per kg lower. PF1s – Sold around last week’s levels.
Medium Grown
BP1s – Rs.20/- per kg lower. PF1s – Irregular and barely steady.
Best varieties gained Rs.10-15/- per kg and more towards the closure of the sale. Below best varieties were dearer Rs.30/- per kg and more whilst poorer sorts were firm on last. Low Growns – In general were lower Rs.10-15/- per kg. CTC – In general were firm to Rs.10/- per kg dearer.
Select best primaries firm to lower by Rs.20-30/- per kg. High Grown Dust1’s in the best category declined Rs10-20/- per kg and more. A selection of below best varieties gained Rs.10-20/- per kg following quality. Others and poorer sorts which commenced on last week’s closing levels gained irregularly towards the closure. Best Mediums gained Rs.10-20/- per kg, others irregular and mostly dearer. Select best CTC’s sold at last levels. A selection of below best varieties gained sharply following quality. Balance declined Rs.10-20/- per kg. Poorest on offer were irregularly lower. Best Low Growns sold at last levels. Below best gained Rs.10-20/- per kg and more following quality. Balance along with the poorer sorts were irregularly lower.
Clean secondaries were hardly available. Below best varieties were firm to irregularly dearer. Poorest on offer sold at last levels. Better CTC’s held firm, others irregular and mostly lower. Better Low Growns gained Rs.10-20/- per kg, others and poorer sorts declined by a similar margin.
Select best maintained. Best too remained firm. Cleaner below best appreciated. Others were irregularly lower. Best FBOP1’s were firm. Others were irregularly lower.
Select best and best were firm to dearer. Cleaner below best too maintained. Others were lower.
A few select best together with a limited selection of improved below best held firm. All others were irregular and lower.
Select best together with clean below best were fully firm to marginally dearer. Others were irregular and lower following quality.
Better OP’s were firm whilst others were easier Rs.10-15/- per kg. At the lower end cleaner types however held firm.
Selection of well made teas together with clean below best were firm to irregularly dearer. Others were lower Rs.10-15/- per kg. At the lower end prices though irregular were firm.
Select best PEK1’s were firm to irregularly dearer. Others and PEK’s were generally easier Rs.10-15/- per kg and more for the teas at the lower end.
Select best and best were firm to dearer. Others were lower following quality.
Very tippy teas were barely steady. Best maintained. Cleaner well made teas in the below best were firm. Others and teas at the bottom were discounted. Select best FF1’s were firm to dearer. Best were irregular. Cleaner below best were dearer. Others and teas at the bottom were lower following quality.